Five Signs You Need a New Mattress

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Sometimes, you just need to take a step back.

Marriage, buying a new home, or remodeling a room are all common milestones that often include buying a new mattress. 

Sometimes, a bed that otherwise seems fine is actually sabotaging your sleep. Many people start thinking about a new mattress when they feel their existing bed is beginning to break down, usually long after their older mattress has stopped supporting them properly at night. 

We become accustomed to how our beds make us feel, but if you’re not paying close attention, the tiny, sometimes imperceptible changes that happen after years of nights in the same spot can begin to make you feel pretty rough. 

Like a car or a pair of shoes, a mattress has a definite lifespan. Here are five A’s that indicate you probably need a new mattress, and it’s time to give your old bed the boot. 

Age. In a recent study, researchers at Oklahoma State University found that participants with mattresses more than five years old reported significant improvements in sleep quality and comfort when sleeping on a new mattress, regardless of the sleeper’s age or weight. The Better Sleep Council recommends evaluating your mattress after five to seven years to avoid increased discomfort caused by the aging of your mattress. 

Achiness. If you find yourself waking up sore and tired, your current mattress may be one of the culprits, and it might be time to think about replacing it. Depending on the quality of your mattress, the supportive cushioning gradually begins to degrade and can no longer properly bear the weight of your body during the night. The resulting misalignment of your spine and limbs can lead to stiffness, numbness, and commonly, pain or pressure in the lower back. 

Appearance. When you’re around something day in and day out, it’s easy enough to overlook how something truly appears. Next time you change the sheets on your mattress, step back and look at it with fresh eyes. Does there seem to be an obvious depression—a slump—in the middle of the mattress? If so, the support materials in your bed may have started to deteriorate. 

Allergies. If you’re one of those people who say they’ve never had allergies but suddenly get them, it could be more than hay fever. Older mattresses tend to carry a higher load of dust mites, skin flakes and mold spores, even if you’ve religiously changed your bed sheets every two weeks. If you start waking up feeling itchy and wheezy but you’re generally fine during the rest of the day, an allergy to dust mites in your older mattress may be to blame. 

Away. Looking forward to that overnight in a hotel or a visit at Aunt Pearl’s? Admit it: it’s because you’re looking forward to sleeping on a bed that’s not your own. If you sleep better when you’re away from home, it’s a pretty good sign that it’s time for you and your mattress to go your separate ways. 

If one or more of these sound like a typical night at your house, consider the possibility that even though you’re nowhere near the 10-year warranty mark on your current mattress, it’s time to invest in a new mattress. Ask us today how we can help you recover a good, clean, comfortable night’s sleep.